Wednesday 21 March 2007


We have a bit of a mystery on our hands this week. I made my usual daily visit to our rabbit to feed him some of our lovely, fresh curly kale, to find he had mysteriously disappeared. I sent the boys in to the run to investigate, only to confirm that the hutch, as well as the rather large run was empty. There was no sign of any digging, the rabbit is (or was) male and they are the lazy ones. It’s the females that tend to burrow, so that rules that out. There was no sign of a struggle either, no white balls of fluff or blood. The run itself doesn’t have a door so the only way the rabbit could get out would be to lift the whole thing up to make it’s escape. Now I don’t know much about rabbits, but I’m quite sure they wouldn’t be able to lift a structure that weighs in at around a large sack of potatoes. We’d be using them on building sites to shift bricks if they could. One explanation we came up with for the disappearance is that the wild rabbits all got together and freed the prisoner. More realistically though, we have had a few people ask if they could mate their females with Bunny, so if someone has taken him for breeding then he will probably be returned exhausted in due course. There’s always the possibility of him being taken for animal testing, being made to smoke twenty major whilst having shampoo dripped into his eyes. But that doesn’t bear thinking about. Every person that walks past the house therefore is a potential suspect in the case of the missing bunny. We had a woman walk by the house today with a fluffy hat on, granted the fur was blue, not white, but that might just be a way of disguising the evidence………….


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