This week we are in the garden of Iris Doherty from Whitecastle, Quigleys Point. Iris has been involved in gardening for a long time and trained at Greenmount college before working for Ness Nurseries and Sow and Grow at Gransha hospital. Iris now has her own nursery. Look out for the Whitecastle Nursery sign on the main road between Moville and Muff. The nursery is open from 2-6pm Tuesday –Saturday.
Irises own garden is a fantastic showcase for her own unique range of perennial plants that are for sale.
How long have you been working on the garden?
Nearly thirty years. It was never a planned garden it has just evolved over the years.
What is your favourite plant?
There are so many plants that would be my favourites. In spring the Amelanchier (Juneberry) puts on a fine display. One of my favourites at the moment is Aqualigia ‘Chocolate soldiers’ (Grannies Bonnets) I do have a liking for black flowers, but ask me next week and I will say something else!
What is your favourite feature in the garden?
I don’t have any hard features such as structures. My favourite view out of the window is of the Acer Palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’, the deep red leaves are beautiful.
What is your favourite season and why?
Spring because of the promise of things to come (I like autumn as well).
What work gives you the most pleasure in the garden?
Weeding. I find that it gives me instant satisfaction when I stand back and look where I have been.
Any irritations in the garden. How do you cope?
Horsetail is the worst invasive weed. It is difficult to get rid of, but it does disappear in the winter!
What is your best gardening tool?
I have a grape fork that was given to me years ago. The prongs are only about five inches long now as they are worn out. It really needs replacing so if anyone has a well used one let me know.
Top Tip for spring?
Enjoy the garden. Look at what you have achieved not what needs doing.
Any plans for the future?
I would like to create a seating area in the sun and of course I will plan to move more plants around!
Irises own garden is a fantastic showcase for her own unique range of perennial plants that are for sale.
How long have you been working on the garden?
Nearly thirty years. It was never a planned garden it has just evolved over the years.
What is your favourite plant?
There are so many plants that would be my favourites. In spring the Amelanchier (Juneberry) puts on a fine display. One of my favourites at the moment is Aqualigia ‘Chocolate soldiers’ (Grannies Bonnets) I do have a liking for black flowers, but ask me next week and I will say something else!
What is your favourite feature in the garden?
I don’t have any hard features such as structures. My favourite view out of the window is of the Acer Palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’, the deep red leaves are beautiful.
What is your favourite season and why?
Spring because of the promise of things to come (I like autumn as well).
What work gives you the most pleasure in the garden?
Weeding. I find that it gives me instant satisfaction when I stand back and look where I have been.
Any irritations in the garden. How do you cope?
Horsetail is the worst invasive weed. It is difficult to get rid of, but it does disappear in the winter!
What is your best gardening tool?
I have a grape fork that was given to me years ago. The prongs are only about five inches long now as they are worn out. It really needs replacing so if anyone has a well used one let me know.
Top Tip for spring?
Enjoy the garden. Look at what you have achieved not what needs doing.
Any plans for the future?
I would like to create a seating area in the sun and of course I will plan to move more plants around!