Your computer and keyboard are like magnets to dust in the home. There are some solvent based cleaners on the market but if you want a cheap and natural solution to the grime that collects on the machine then look no further than the kitchen cupboard. Have you guessed what it is… yes it’s that wonderful liquid again… vinegar!
Cleaning your computer mouse
Before I start though you must be very careful when using liquids near electrical devices. If you are in any doubt then leave well alone!
Green Cleaning tips..
When your computer mouse gets dirty and picks up dust, it becomes hard to manipulate.
Vinegar comes to the rescue yet again.
Simply mix half vinegar and half water and use that. Remove the ball and wipe clean with the solution. Dry thoroughly with a soft, lint-free towel. Dip a cotton swab into the solution, squeeze until nearly dry and wipe the inside the mouse, removing dust or dirt particles. Use a wrung out cloth to wash the outside of the mouse.
Clean home equipment
Dip a cloth into a mixture of ½ vinegar and ½ water and wring out. Wash down the outside of your computer, printer and other pieces of equipment. Never use a spray bottle for this job. Use a nearly dry cotton swab dipped in the mixture to clean the keyboard.
Clean scissors
Wipe the blades of your scissors down frequently with a cloth dipped in full strength vinegar to keep them clean and glue free.
Thin glue
Add a drop or two of vinegar to the old bottle of glue and shake. Keeping adding vinegar drop by drop until the glue returns to the proper consistency.
Simply mix half vinegar and half water and use that. Remove the ball and wipe clean with the solution. Dry thoroughly with a soft, lint-free towel. Dip a cotton swab into the solution, squeeze until nearly dry and wipe the inside the mouse, removing dust or dirt particles. Use a wrung out cloth to wash the outside of the mouse.
Clean home equipment
Dip a cloth into a mixture of ½ vinegar and ½ water and wring out. Wash down the outside of your computer, printer and other pieces of equipment. Never use a spray bottle for this job. Use a nearly dry cotton swab dipped in the mixture to clean the keyboard.
Clean scissors
Wipe the blades of your scissors down frequently with a cloth dipped in full strength vinegar to keep them clean and glue free.
Thin glue
Add a drop or two of vinegar to the old bottle of glue and shake. Keeping adding vinegar drop by drop until the glue returns to the proper consistency.