Eddie Ivers lives in Dunaff on the outskirts of Clonmany with his wife Kathleen. He has two children, Katrina and Phillip and one grandson, Lennon. Eddie has been working at the recycling centre in Carndonagh since it opened eight years ago and is part of a team that has countrywide recognition for running a highly efficient centre. Before this he was a fisherman for 15 years and remembers vividly in 1983, when he and his four crewmembers were drifting in a fishing boat for five days on the Atlantic after engine failure. A light aircraft piloted by Captain O’Sullivan found the ship floating towards America.
One thing you remember about being rescued?
We eagerly opened the food aid parcels, looking for cigarettes. All of us smoked and we had spent four days puffing away on rolled up newspapers and dried tea leaves. We were relieved to be found but still had to wait until we hit dry land for a smoke…
What music do you like?
Most Country and Western music. I enjoy bands you can dance to, Big Tom and the Mainliners, Joe Dolan, the Drifters and bands like Dickie Rock. Most of them have played at the Plaza in Buncrana at some time
What would you never throw away?
Money, it’s a very precious commodity.
One memory from the 1970’s
In July and August there was a marquee that set up in towns around the peninsula and used to have big bands playing. They were really good fun and great nights dancing
What are you reading?
I keep in touch with events through the local papers.
What was your favourite childhood game?
I always enjoyed playing football. When I was young the emphasis at the Urris School I went to was more on Hurling and Gaelic though.
Have you been to the cinema recently?
I used to go to the pictures when I was courting. I have been married for 35 years now so you can do the maths. I prefer to dance than sit watching a screen.
What section of the newspaper do you turn to first?
The back pages. I love all sport, especially football.
What is your idea of a good night out?
A few friends, go out for a meal, drinks and a meal. The Rusty Nail is not too far away and they do great food.
Have you a favourite TV programme?
I have the Discovery channel and being an old fisherman I enjoy the Deadliest Catch. It’s filmed over three weeks in the Bearing Sea near Russia and it’s the challenge of getting the crab catch in.
How do you relax?
Watching the telly, usually sport, and a wee brandy after dinner.
What job did you want to do when you were a child?
I wanted to be a professional football player. I did play a bit when I was younger and lived in Luton, England. I played the Monarch Airways team on Saturdays and on Sunday I played for a Catholic team called Sacred Hearts.
Where would you like to go for your holidays?
Probably America again. I have a lot of friends in Boston and it’s always great to catch up.
Your idea of heaven?
When I am at work, my idea of heaven is for everyone to put their recycling items in the correct containers and to keep the depot tidy. I don’t like to see litter anywhere, especially on the streets.
Your idea of hell?
Working underground. When I worked in England I worked in the London underground building the tunnels and in those days it was all done by hand. I worked on Oxford Circus and Victoria station. I had a big shovel and dug muck all day.
What famous people would you invite around for dinner and why?
George Best. I saw a lot of him when he played in the first division. There is still no one like him.
Favourite animal?
A dog. I have a Collie that we call Collie and he comes shooting with me, he’s a good gun dog.
What couldn’t you live without?
My car. It gets me to work every day.
Biggest fear?
I don’t really have any fears now. I did when I was young though. I remember being told by my mother that I shouldn’t go up to a particular house because there were men with coffins. It kept me indoors for a while….
Biggest thrill?
Being found after 5 days being lost at sea in the fishing boat.
What is your idea of a good night in?
Good company, a bottle of wine and a brandy nightcap
Do you have a hobby?
I am refereeing for the Inishowen League. At the moment I am taking part in the Youth Tournament in Clonmany.
Biggest disappointment?
I am pretty happy go lucky and tend to brush aside any disappointment.
Which period in history would you most like to have lived through?
It seems a bit strange but the 1940’s. There wasn’t a lot to go around and everyone pulled together in an unselfish way. Maybe with the downturn in the economy, we might see it again.
World’s most useful invention?
The electric kettle. We would be lost without it for making the tea at break time.
What do you have for breakfast?
Cereal, usually Weetabix and then nothing until 10 am, than it’s time to break out the sandwiches.
Personal philosophy?
Be cautious when making big decisions.
One thing you remember about being rescued?
We eagerly opened the food aid parcels, looking for cigarettes. All of us smoked and we had spent four days puffing away on rolled up newspapers and dried tea leaves. We were relieved to be found but still had to wait until we hit dry land for a smoke…
What music do you like?
Most Country and Western music. I enjoy bands you can dance to, Big Tom and the Mainliners, Joe Dolan, the Drifters and bands like Dickie Rock. Most of them have played at the Plaza in Buncrana at some time
What would you never throw away?
Money, it’s a very precious commodity.
One memory from the 1970’s
In July and August there was a marquee that set up in towns around the peninsula and used to have big bands playing. They were really good fun and great nights dancing
What are you reading?
I keep in touch with events through the local papers.
What was your favourite childhood game?
I always enjoyed playing football. When I was young the emphasis at the Urris School I went to was more on Hurling and Gaelic though.
Have you been to the cinema recently?
I used to go to the pictures when I was courting. I have been married for 35 years now so you can do the maths. I prefer to dance than sit watching a screen.
What section of the newspaper do you turn to first?
The back pages. I love all sport, especially football.
What is your idea of a good night out?
A few friends, go out for a meal, drinks and a meal. The Rusty Nail is not too far away and they do great food.
Have you a favourite TV programme?
I have the Discovery channel and being an old fisherman I enjoy the Deadliest Catch. It’s filmed over three weeks in the Bearing Sea near Russia and it’s the challenge of getting the crab catch in.
How do you relax?
Watching the telly, usually sport, and a wee brandy after dinner.
What job did you want to do when you were a child?
I wanted to be a professional football player. I did play a bit when I was younger and lived in Luton, England. I played the Monarch Airways team on Saturdays and on Sunday I played for a Catholic team called Sacred Hearts.
Where would you like to go for your holidays?
Probably America again. I have a lot of friends in Boston and it’s always great to catch up.
Your idea of heaven?
When I am at work, my idea of heaven is for everyone to put their recycling items in the correct containers and to keep the depot tidy. I don’t like to see litter anywhere, especially on the streets.
Your idea of hell?
Working underground. When I worked in England I worked in the London underground building the tunnels and in those days it was all done by hand. I worked on Oxford Circus and Victoria station. I had a big shovel and dug muck all day.
What famous people would you invite around for dinner and why?
George Best. I saw a lot of him when he played in the first division. There is still no one like him.
Favourite animal?
A dog. I have a Collie that we call Collie and he comes shooting with me, he’s a good gun dog.
What couldn’t you live without?
My car. It gets me to work every day.
Biggest fear?
I don’t really have any fears now. I did when I was young though. I remember being told by my mother that I shouldn’t go up to a particular house because there were men with coffins. It kept me indoors for a while….
Biggest thrill?
Being found after 5 days being lost at sea in the fishing boat.
What is your idea of a good night in?
Good company, a bottle of wine and a brandy nightcap
Do you have a hobby?
I am refereeing for the Inishowen League. At the moment I am taking part in the Youth Tournament in Clonmany.
Biggest disappointment?
I am pretty happy go lucky and tend to brush aside any disappointment.
Which period in history would you most like to have lived through?
It seems a bit strange but the 1940’s. There wasn’t a lot to go around and everyone pulled together in an unselfish way. Maybe with the downturn in the economy, we might see it again.
World’s most useful invention?
The electric kettle. We would be lost without it for making the tea at break time.
What do you have for breakfast?
Cereal, usually Weetabix and then nothing until 10 am, than it’s time to break out the sandwiches.
Personal philosophy?
Be cautious when making big decisions.