Wednesday 21 March 2007


Advertisers, as we all know, do have a habit of twisting the truth. Their world seems to be full of stereotypes and clichés. There are hardworking people in organizations that do try to make us realise just how much we get sucked into the hysteria of consumerism. Here are some examples of just how the advertisers twist the truth to get you to buy their products.

· All cleaning products work instantly and effortlessly.

· Men will forego intimacy in order to watch football or drink beer.

· Women are locked in a constant battle with their weight/body shape/hairstyle.

· Career success is entirely based on your ability to impress your boss.

· Mums are often harassed but NEVER depressed/unable to cope.

· Any act of male stupidity (e.g. walking across a clean floor in muddy boots, putting the dog in the dishwasher, etc.) will be met with a wry smile, not genuine annoyance/anger.

· Anyone with a scientific career will have a bad haircut and dreadful clothes.

· Children will not eat fruit or vegetables. Ever.

· Both men and women find driving deeply pleasurable, never boring or stressful.

· Men are inherently lazy/slobbish; women are the reverse.

· Chocolate, however, will cause women to immediately fall into the languor of the opium eater.

· Hot beverages have miraculous rejuvenating effects.

· Any over-the-counter medical product will work instantly and 100% effectively.

· Children know more than adults.

· Women never merely hop in and out of the shower, instead preferring to act out some sort of soapy Dance of the Seven Veils.

· School is a happy experience for all children.

I’m sure you have more suggestions. Let me know!


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