Thursday 22 March 2007


I am a vegetarian. Would it be all right if I gave my dog the same diet? FD. Derry

Some people have successfully given their dog a vegetarian diet and the animals seem to live a happy life. Chances are they probably subsidise their intake by lifting old chicken bones from barbeques left on the beach or picking up food scraps left on the street that were dropped the night before. The animal would need lots of protein in a mixed diet. I asked a local expert in the field and his reply was this. “A dog is a carnivore and needs animal protein and anybody not prepared to feed an animal what it needs should not have a dog and maybe consider buying a rabbit” Why don’t you compromise and give your dog some tasty treats occasionally.

Tasty treats for your dog

Vegetarian meal.

2 tbls oil, 1 cooked egg, 2 cups cooked vegetables blended unless very soft, 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast, 1 cup milk, bread ends and leftover cereals and beans.

2. Yummie biscuits
Mix together:
2 cups flour (white, whole wheat or both in combination)
1/3-cup oil
1/3-cup Parmesan cheese
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 egg
1/3 cup powdered milk
Water to form a stiff dough

Press the mixture into biscuits and cook in the oven until brown. They are so tasty you can give them to your friends when they come to visit too!

3. Cooked Bone
Go to the butchers –ask for a bone –boil it up for your hound. He’ll love you for it!


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