Thursday 22 March 2007


You don’t really need me to tell you that now is a great time to get the house spring cleaned. You have probably noticed the dusty corners and bulging drawers yourself. This time of year is traditionally the time to go through your house giving everything a really good spring clean. But did you realise that cleaning has a spiritual dimension to it? The old saying is cleanliness is next to godliness. There is a good basis for this. Our home environment mirrors the state of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

I have enlisted the help of a cleaning guru this week called Lauren Mosley who will give you some spiritual guidance on the art of home health

“What do you think your home is saying about you right now? If your home has lots of grungy bits and is clogged and cluttered the chances are your physical vitality is lower than it should be and your life feels like it's just one big struggle. Your energy field will also be less than radiant. If you give everything a good spring clean and have a clear out, you will release lots of stuck energy & start to brighten your aura too. You can expect to feel more creative & alert, and have more zest for life.”

“As you lighten up the load in your home I bet your mood will lighten too! Use Eco friendly cleaning products: Chemical cleaning products are harmful both for you & the environment. Buy a reputable brand or even make your own basic cleaning product from household ingredients. For example, pour equal parts white vinegar and water into a spray bottle. Spray it on the surface. If there are stubborn marks allow to stand for about 15 minutes. Wipe off. Put on your favourite music whilst doing the work.”

“Clean with a positive intention: If you clean hating every minute, then the resentment you hold will permeate the atmosphere in the house. Focus on how good you'll feel when it is all done & you will imbue the house with your positive vibes. Open the windows; our indoor environment is usually more polluted than our outdoor environment because of all the modern products we have that exude harmful toxins, including our carpets & soft furnishings. A good airing will help to reduce this build up. Also opening the windows allows for a better flow of chi energy, refreshing and revitalising your home.

Cleanse right into the corners: Stagnant energy- like dust, settles more in the corners of your house. By getting the corners clean you begin to move the energy too. Purify the atmosphere and lift the vibration by burning solid incense- traditionally used in all major religions for its cleansing properties. Incense such as frankincense can tangibly improve the energy in your home. Check that your incense is made of natural ingredients. Much that is commercially available is chemically perfumed and can actually lower the vibration & pollute the atmosphere of your home. Caution: when burning incense follow all the common sense fire safety precautions- otherwise you may get rid of more possessions than you bargained for!!”

“Finally, why not cleanse yourself too? Soak in a bath with two cups of Epsom salts. These salts have great detoxifying health benefits and are cheap to buy.”


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