Sunday 16 December 2007


I was reading the statistics about the percentages of people that manage to stick to their resolutions. It makes for interesting reading but it shows that it depends what you have decided to give up as to how successful you are. The percentage of people that stick to putting their socks on the right way around and not inside out is very low, whilst the percentages for people who decide to cut something like smoking out of their lives is a little better. Cutting cigarettes from your daily diet can cause loads of tension in households and so can saying no to sugar. I have every admiration for those of you that made a decision to abstain in something, it’s not easy making the changes but I’m sure the benefits will show through in no time at all. If you fail in your resolution, don’t be too hard on yourself! For me this year, I have resolved to put up some shelving in the front room. This sounds like a small project but to get to the tools to do the job I have to go into the attic. When I beat a path into the loft space I will have to clear it out to find the tools, it’s no wonder I put it off from last New Year!

Here are a few other ideas that could go on the list of jobs to do.

If you have a dishwasher it will probably have been working overtime over the last few weeks. Run a hot vinegar rinse through your empty dishwasher, just to clean out the interior. Add lemon juice for a fresh scent.

Purge leftovers from your fridge. And any old condiments, or weird food items you just don't know what to do with. You will probably have loads of old food and half empty jars of red jelly stuff left over from Christmas. Throw out the contents and recycle the jars. It's easier to cook, and keep your fridge interior clean, when you can see what you have.

Pull out your fridge and vacuum those coils! You'll get big energy savings and your appliance will run longer.

· Next sunny day, turn off the heat, throw open the windows and doors, and let the clean air carry out your musty indoor atmosphere. Fluff your bed pillows outside in the sun, and turn them over to air after an hour or so. Drag everything outside: couch cushions, blankets, dog beds, upholstered chairs, and your sock drawer. The ultra-violet sunshine will kill off any clinging microbes, while the fresh air will linger inside your home for weeks. Watch out for rain showers though.

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