Thursday 15 March 2007


How does wave energy work?

You will probably need to find a book or website specifically on the subject, but briefly there are three main methods of generating electricity using wave power.

Kinetic energy (movement) exists in the moving waves of the ocean. That energy can be used to power a turbine. The rising water forces the air out of a chamber. The moving air spins a turbine, which can turn a generator.

Tidal Energy

Another form of ocean energy is called tidal energy. When tides come into the shore, they can be trapped in reservoirs behind dams. Then when the tide drops, the water behind the dam can be let out just like in a regular hydroelectric power plant.

Ocean Thermal Energy
The final ocean energy idea uses temperature differences in the ocean. If you ever went swimming in the ocean and dove deep below the surface, you would have noticed that the water gets colder the deeper you go. It's warmer on the surface because sunlight warms the water. But below the surface, the ocean gets very cold. That's why scuba divers wear wet suits when they dive down deep. Their wet suits trapped their body heat to keep them warm. This type of energy is being used in both Japan and in Hawaii in some demonstration projects.

Photo: Crana river Buncrana

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