Tuesday 18 December 2007



It’s Party time!!

According to my little counter in the corner, this is the 1000th entry in the Inishindie Blog.

I have enjoyed working on this since last March and have learned a lot about how Blogs are put together. I realised from early on that this isn’t really a Blog as such.

Most Blogs have a daily account of goings on but Inishindie is more a catalogue of articles that I wrote over a five-year period, all mashed up together into one big ball.

Inishindie therefore doesn’t read as a diary. Some of the articles I now find a bit embarrassing as I feel I have learned a great deal since they were written. I have still printed them as a reminder of where I came from (A bit like a diary I suppose!)

I only just recently got the hang of hyperlinks too. So there are not that many links on the pages. The other interesting thing I have enjoyed is the networking to increase traffic into the Blog. There are so many ways from joining Forum sites, to clicky button s everywhere on the page

I really enjoyed setting up the Forum (I would like to point out here that my forum site Up the Garden Path is open and looking hopefully for new members)

If you have been following my progress over the year, I thank you, and I also would like to thank all of the other Bloggers for making my year so interesting.



1 comment:

Mark said...

Hi Ian,
I would say that is something to be proud about, to me that what blogging is all about, an on line diary keeping a permanent record of what is going on, a online time capsule if you like.
Look forward to the next five years.

Cheers Mark

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