Friday 11 May 2007


We’ve been experimenting on animals this week at the Clean and Green testing centre (Not on rabbits you will be pleased to know). We have been looking at the problem of smelly pets, especially dogs. I’m sure we are not alone in the fact that we have a trusty hound that manages to find something dead to roll around in. Whether it is on the beach, in the park or at the bottom of the garden, the head goes down and the feet come up and whatever unpleasant matter was on the floor is now stuck to the dogs neck. I usually make out that I’ve no sense of smell and wait for another member of staff to sort the problem out, but this week I will try and tackle the problem as part of the team. Someone we know accidentally did one method, (which we wouldn’t recommend). Their kitten was fast asleep in the washing machine on top of the dirty clothes when the machine was switched on. The kitten came out shining but unfortunately wasn’t alive to appreciate its glossy new coat!

Pampered pets.

Check the diet of your dog; some food might make them smellier than others.

If your dog comes in smelly then they might need a bath. We found that our dog doesn’t mind the shower too much, there’s no way you could ever get him in a bath. Either way will be effective if you can get the fur wet with soap and rinse thoroughly. Vinegar added to the final rinse will help get rid of lingering odours and bring out the shine. Try to keep the suds out of the dogs eyes. Some people put Vaseline around the eyes to make the water run to the sides of the eyes but we found this to be unnecessary. A drop or two of tea tree oil in the wash will also help to repel fleas. If you keep the dog in the bath for twenty minutes pouring suds on continuously, this will kill the fleas that are on the animal. All we can say about that idea is good luck! Garlic powder in their dinner is said to repel the fleas before they make up home in the fur.

Here’s one that we haven’t tried but was recommended to us by a (rather strange) friend.
Giving a dog a bone seems to clean the animals teeth, more so than biscuits anyway. But to get the dogs teeth shiny you can buy special doggy toothbrushes and special toothpaste that comes in yummy meat flavoured varieties. This friend of ours would clean the dogs teeth at least once a day to keep them trouble free, they were still in perfect condition the day the poor thing ran out in front of a car and got killed!

Take the dog for a walk before you bath them, they might catch a chill otherwise.

Don’t wash the dog too often, as this will take away the natural oils on the hair.

Other pet tips.

Dogs and cats are starting to shed their coats now and the hairs can be a real pain. Try wetting a rubber glove and brushing the animal, a lot of the loose hair will collect on it. Rubbing with a rubber glove also picks up hairs from furniture and carpets.

Because cats have a strong sense of smell you can use citrus oil on areas you don’t want the cats to scratch. Some people use chilli powder or pepper, but we think that’s a bit harsh.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pampered.... Rosie ! Are you sure ?
She is a fine looking whippet but not as handsome as the young man with her !

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