Friday 27 April 2007



An Indian octogenarian has reportedly spent half a century living in a tree after a tiff with his wife.

Gayadhar Parida took to staying in a mango tree after a quarrel over a 'tiny issue' with his wife 50 years ago. He moved trees when his first tree house was destroyed in a storm but he has never moved back into his home in Kuligaon, Orissa. Mr Parida, 83, said: "I had come to stay after disturbances with my wife. But after some days, I felt spiritualism had developed within my body. He apparently spends most of his time in the company of poisonous snakes and comes down only to drink water from a pool. Mr Parida accepts food offered to him by family members but no amount of coaxing has convinced him to leave his tree house. His son Babula, 55, said: "I have gone to the garden several times to woo him back but he vehemently refused to return. Hurt and dejected, I had to come back home."


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