Thursday 19 April 2007


One of the most popular bedding plants that are for sale every year are the Geraniums or Zonal Pelargoniums as they are more accurately called. One of the big attractions is that they are so many different types and colours available. Apart from the different colours there are different growing habits, some are large, some are tiny and there are upright ones and trailing ones for hanging baskets. There are ones with aromatic leaves such as the lemon-scented geranium; this one is handy near the kitchen window as it deters flies from the house. You don’t need green fingers to grow the plants either. They are relatively trouble free in summer, but look out for greenfly and whitefly and try to plant them in soil that is well drained as they don’t like it too wet, give them plenty of light and pick off the dead flowers. The plants can be over wintered indoors but they can get a bit leggy. Another alternative is to take cuttings. The best time is when the plants are in full swing around June to August, the cuttings will root in less than two weeks and mould wont set in. If you do take the cuttings then leave them in a cool room and don’t over water in winter, put them outside to harden off at this time of the year but bring indoors if the cold winds whip up. As I mentioned greenfly earlier I thought I would share an idea to keep them off your prized plants. (see the next article)


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