Thursday 19 April 2007


Chemicals are never in short supply when you want to get rid of greenfly and whitefly. If you want to do things naturally then I usually recommend spraying soapy water on the pests and let the sunshine dry them out. This method does work but there are usually a few pesky bugs clinging to the underside of the leaves to start the whole breeding process up again. Before you know it they are all back again. Strange as it may seem these pests are disorientated by mirrors. They appear to be unable to fly over them without getting all confused - this fact can be used to a gardeners advantage. Place a mirror under the pot that your plant is in. Provided the mirror is wider that the plant, the flies won’t go near it. A plant that is already infested with the insects can literally be quarantined by placing it on a mirror. If you have outdoor plants that are infested then try putting down some silver foil around the plant, this hasn’t yet been tested but if you do it and it works, let me know! (Be careful not to fry the plants in the sunlight though)!


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