Monday, 21 April 2008


There was a skilled master carpenter who built strong, beautifully finished houses for his employer. His work was renowned throughout the land for its quality. He built with love and patience working painstakingly on all details. However he was nearing his retirement and looking forward to putting his working life behind him. His employer came to him one day and said, “I need you to build one more house for me before you retire”.

The master carpenter started the work but somehow he didn’t feel his usual pride in the work. The site for the home was beautiful; near woods and streams and rich land and resentment started to build up in him. All those years he had been building for others, never having the time or money for his own projects. This time he didn’t use such quality wood, he was careless with the building and didn’t bother about the details. When he had finished the house looked OK but the carpenter knew of the cut corners and shabby workmanship and didn’t care.

He handed over the keys to his employer and was surprised to see all his friends and colleagues there. The employer handed the keys back, “This house is for you for your retirement.” The carpenter realised that his resentment and bitterness had only hurt himself.

1 comment:

Håndlister said...

What a very nice article. There's a very good morale lesson there. Thank you for sharing.

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