Monday 21 January 2008



Two monks were walking through the countryside together. They came to a very fast flowing river and beside it sat a beautiful young girl. When she saw them coming she got up and pleaded, “Oh kind sirs, can you help me please. I need to get across the river to reach my family and I’m scared of drowning.”

Now the monastery where the monks lived had a strict rule about not touching women and the younger monk said “Oh no, I’m afraid that would be impossible.” The older monk however said, “Of course, I can carry you over.” He lifted the young woman and carried her across, with the younger monk following. Now, the younger monk was very shocked and upset with his friend and after they had left the young woman they carried on their journey in silence.

Eventually the younger monk couldn’t contain himself any longer. “I can’t believe what you did back there. I can’t believe you carried that young woman across the river.” The older monk stopped and looked at him and replied. “I carried her across the river and then I let her go, but it looks as though you are carrying her still.”

Holding on to the past stops us being available in the present. What are we holding onto that is affecting our relationships?

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