Saturday 8 December 2007


Fast food packaging is about to experience a radical change in the near future. The Department of the environment are pushing for all fast food packaging to be biodegradable and contain no polystyrene. The packaging will have to show the name of the outlet where it was sold so the litter wardens can take action. Fast food companies pay rates like any other premises and some of them are feeling hard done by because they feel that they are being charged excessively.

The outlets will incur extra charges to clean the streets of rubbish thrown away by people who cannot find room in a street rubbish bin either because it is too full of they are. The Department of the Environment are also intending on coming down hard on chewing gum manufacturers. They want up to €5million from manufacturers to keep the streets clean. Whether this charge will be passed on to the consumer is still under debate. The chances are that it will. Wrigley, the largest manufacturer of the sticky stuff that you tread on or you find stuck to the bottom of your chair, are promising to come out with a less sticky variety that is also bio-degradable-sounds like blu tac to me!

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