Monday 5 November 2007


When the ground is dry the grass can have a final cut, the mower will do a great job at getting the leaves off the grass too, put the machine on a high setting.

Plant up containers for a winter display, I have already seen the pansies for sale in the shops. Plant spring bulbs in the containers or garden for that matter. Get the daffs in as soon as possible the tulips can go in a bit later.

This time of year is ideal for planting trees, shrubs and hedging. The soil still has a bit of heat in it and if the plants are put in now the roots will have a chance to develop in time for spring.

Divide large clumps of herbaceous plants to increase your stock.

Lift and store dahlias, gladioli and summer flowering bulbs, especially if the soil is wet, as this will rot them.

Rake up leaves under roses to prevent blackspot spores over wintering in the soil. Prune out infected shoots and remove any remaining leaves before they fall


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