Monday, 27 August 2007


Photo: A tin bath blending into a painted brick wall

It is time to think about looking for plants that will be a splash of colour around the winter months.

Prunus Autumnalis Rosea - A small winter flowering cherry tree. Flowers with small highly scented flowers well before the buds break. An ideal tree for the small garden.

Helleborus Niger - The Christmas rose, seems unremarkable even boring during the summer months. However as Christmas arrives the display of waxy flowers is nothing short of spectacular. When planting, incorporate some peat if you have a sandy or clay soil in your garden. The plant grows best in semi shade in a sheltered spot near to your house.

Cornus- Dogwood. These shrubs are a great asset to a border in winter as the bark is bright and colourful. There is Cornus Alba, which has the vivid red stems and then there is the Cornus stolonifera, which has yellow stems. Both of these plants look terrific when the late sun catches them. They will generally grow anywhere and all they require is to be severely cut back every year in spring. This ensures that there is bright new growth the following year. If you want to increase your stock then the plants take root easily from cuttings. Cut off a stem that is the same size and length as a pencil and push into the ground or put into a pot. They will be rooted by late spring


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