Sunday 4 November 2007


Photo: Red Lion pub in Bottesford

Even though there is not much growth at the moment we can still be busy in the garden what with tidying and planting for spring. Let us get straight down to business and have a look at what we can be getting on with.

Bulbs in bowls
Finish planting up bowls of spring-flowering bulbs, including crocuses, narcissi, dwarf irises and tulips. Then place them in a cool area, that's covered for protection from heavy rain.

Plan a continuous supply of crops for harvesting through the autumn months and into winter by planting hardy lettuce varieties such as 'Winter Density' in growing bags, pots or border soil.


Lawn care
Spike lawns using a hollow-tined aerator and brush grit into the holes to improve drainage.

Frost protection

Watch out for frost, which can bring a sudden end to fading summer displays. Bring tender plants and crops under cover or, if time runs short, keeping a few sheets of fleece handy to throw over plants or containers to give some temporary protection.

Collect fallen leaves
Make light work of your autumn leaf collection by investing in a vacuum for the garden. Many have an internal shredder blade fitted that chops up the leaves as they pass into the collecting bag. This helps to speed up decomposition into leaf-mould. If you have a mower then use it with the grass collector to pick up the leaves. Set the blades on a high setting and ensure that the ground is not too wet. I mowed a piece of grass last week and the mower practically sank. It has left ridges, which will probably have to be filled in when spring comes!

Saving seed not only spares you expense, but can produce novel results. Try leaving the last of the sweet peas on their plants to set seed and develop pods. Once ripe, they can be picked and the seed removed, cleaned and stored. Alternatively, sow sweet peas now for early blooms. Seed can also be saved from crops such as peas and runner beans.

Houseplants should be watered less frequently as temperatures drop.


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