Most of the products on the market for cleaning windows are very powerful, considering the simplicity of the job, to get the glass clean. You might like to know that when you buy the products, the spray ones in particular, they contain mostly water. A vast majority of products contain large amounts of water, as it is a cheap bulking agent. (Bulking agents are found in other products too, especially the food industry -salt and sugar being the favourites, -think how your rasher of bacon shrinks when you fry it up). Back to windows, the spray type containers, whether they are aerosol or pump action are used at very close range to the face, inevitably you inhale a small proportion the contents. Some of the ingredients can be very irritating to the lungs. Apart from harsh solvents there is a chemical called ammonia that will irritate people with asthma. Don’t spray them near children, people or the elderly as they will be more sensitive the irritations.
If you have no choice but to use these products then choose the pump action ones in preference to the aerosol ones. The aerosol ones contain propellants that are highly flammable, damaging to the environment as well as your health.
Consumer research has found that water is the beat cleaner for windows. The statistics found that it was better at getting the grime off the glass than 60 per cent of the glass cleaning products on the market. Home made concoctions also came higher in the list and of course they are a fraction of the cost of the commercial brands.
Get the right tools for the job before you start cleaning. I usually use a lint free cloth, or muslin squares. We have the liners left from when nappies were used in the house, they are very good for the windows. This material is effective to get a shine after cleaning. Newspaper is another alternative for getting a shine; try not to use paper towels, as they are an expensive, wasteful method of cleaning.
Get hold of some plain club soda from the shop and put it into a spray bottle. People swear by this method and it appears to work because it contains a product called sodium citrate, which acts like a water softener and helps in the cleaning process. It is good for lightly soiled glass. The only disadvantage is that it doesn’t dry as fast as the shop bought products so you can go and put the kettle on and have a brew whilst it dries a bit.
Mix equal amounts of water and distilled vinegar in a spray bottle. Not only does the vinegar cut through the grease of fingerprints, it also acts as a room deodoriser.
If you would like a cleaner that foams to show where you have been on the window then here is a simple recipe.
½ teaspoon full of liquid soap
3 tablespoons full of white vinegar
2 cups of water
Put the ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. This mixture will clean the dirtiest windows and it can also be used as a light, all-purpose cleaner for around the house.
It is very important that the glass in a car windscreen is kept clean at all times. Some of the additives that can be added to the water to clean the windows can be very harmful to health and the environment. A lot of them contain solvents such as ethylene glycol, which can cause blindness and damage to internal organs. Try to choose the ones that are detergent based. Treat them carefully as you would any poisonous substance.
1 comment:
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