Thursday 5 April 2007


We have been building up a selection of some rather strange suggestions for cleaning and handy tips. Most of them seem so unusual that the chances are you might never ever have to use them. We thought that they needed a mention though. Some of them probably haven’t stood the test of time though, such as putting your cucumber in a glass of water with a lump of charcoal in it. If the water is changed daily it will stay fresh for ages. Thank heavens fridges were invented!

There are some ideas that might be useful though, like the tip about a wobbly table leg (thank you E. from Illies). If your table legs wobble then get some wood glue and sawdust. Mix them together and put it on a piece of paper. Push this under the leg that wobbles and press down until it is firm. When the mixture has dried the table won’t need the old beer mat underneath the leg any more.

If you find that your batteries are fading fast ant the shop is shut then try warming them up. This will help you get the last bit of energy out. (This idea reminds me of the story I once heard about the woman who took three-foot strides to save shoe leather! But thanks anyway Mr D. from Burt).


Put a slightly damp cloth on a tray when you are serving your friends drinks. This stops the glasses from moving around and soaks up the spills.

Where do some people get their ideas? Some of these ideas are pretty wacky, even dangerous. I haven’t printed the one about the best way to siphon petrol from a car, as I don’t think that it is a very good idea Mr. B. from Carndonagh (I don’t want to be putting suggestions into people’s minds -especially when it’s your neighbours car)!


One tip was to put a teaspoon in a pan of milk to stop it boiling over. This idea does NOT work and it took me an hour to clean the cooker top! Neither does brushing around the top of the pan with glycerine Ms R. from Clonbeg.


Someone stopped me in the street the other day and said that applying paraffin, or paraffin and milk to a dog’s coat got will get rid of fleas. This might be the case, but it will probably get rid of the dog too! Paraffin is poisonous to animals and should never be used on them.


Here’s one you will never do. It was said that if you wanted to refresh rancid butter then add sweet milk, this will make the butter sweet again…. it doesn’t, anyway, what is rancid butter? All I can say to that one Shaun from Malin is put your butter in the fridge!

We had a suggestion that eating an apple last thing at night before bedtime cleans the teeth. We hate to contradict but it does exactly the opposite. It leaves the teeth bathing in acid all night, which eats into the enamel of the teeth. It might keep the doctor away but it will mean more work for the dentists.

It has been said that the darker the whiskey, the stronger it is. After much experimenting…hic…I can tell you it isn’t true. The darker the colour just means that more caramel has been added to colour the drink.

That’s about all from the world of useless ideas. There are a lot of old ideas floating around that can be dangerous or just plain daft. If you have any more of them please let me know!


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