Wednesday 18 April 2007


What sort of ingredients go into making soap? Would it be possible to make my own out of herbs? Thanks TT by e-mail

Yes it would. Handcrafted herbal soaps help cleanse the body, while invigorating your senses. Herbal soaps whether homemade or bought, provide increased cleansing power, soothe and help protect the skin. Commercially made soaps usually contain animal products such as tallow or lard, as well as many undesirable chemicals and synthetics. These can play havoc with your skin, exacerbating existing conditions and causing others such as clogged pores, dry skin, rashes and more. In most cases, the glycerine has also been removed. Your skin readily absorbs what is put on it, good or bad. It is one of the quickest ways for chemicals - or nutrients- to enter your body. Be mindful of what you put on your skin, the largest organ of your body. Here are the ingredients used for a basic soap mix - caustic soda, water, coconut oil, vegetable shortening and olive oil. The recipe is fairly complicated so for full instructions on how to make the soap, please let me know and I can send out the recipe. Be careful though as the caustic soda will burn the skin on contact. The chemical reaction with the oils should neutralise this.

Steep dried or semi-dried calendula flower in olive oil in a jar, sealed, for two to three weeks, then strain oil. A faster method is to steep dried calendula flowers in water and use strained infusion in place of all or part of the water called for in the recipe (Or combine both methods). Add this to the basic soap mix for a very mild baby soap.

The comfrey root gives the soap a special healing, soothing quality as well as a beautiful dark violet colour. Collect and dry enough comfrey root to produce 110g ounces of powder (about a 1 foot root). Roots must be thoroughly dry before you pulverize them in a blender. This needs to be added to the basic soap mix along with lavender oil, rosemary oil and aloe vera extract.


Add a small amount of lemongrass oil to lemon vinegar oil to fix scent. Mix with the basic soap mixture along with lemon verbena oil and tumeric for colour (optional).


1 comment:

Erika said...

I know I am three years too late to respond to this post. However, I am having a time locating lye for soap making in Ireland. I am living in Dublin and will be here for another 3 years and I am a little distraught that it seems that I may not be able to continue my hobby. Can you tell me if mere mortals are able to purchase sodium hydroxide?

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