A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I recently got hold of a book that deals with pollutants in the house. I only read the first few chapters, but decided that the whole world should hear about this. So off I went into town to research all the labels from the cleaning and personal care products on the supermarket shelves. I stood in the cleaning isle of the local supermarket and caught a couple of familiar faces buying products that had potentially harmful skin irritants in their ingredients. What can I say other than I apologise for scare mongering these people. I was fully aware that every time I took my eyes off of them, they were slowly walking backwards to the door to escape my ramblings. At the time this made no difference, I had a point to make and I was going to make it…sorry.
I was looking through a copy of A Handbook for the Brownies by Lord Baden-Powell dated around 1930 (I have to get my ideas from somewhere!). There was an article about teeth that I would like to share with you.
“A man came to be recruited for the army. He was examined for his strength, height and eyesight. These were fine but when it came to his teeth he was refused. He went away astonished and thought that the army wanted to not only kill people but eat them too. The truth was that he was no use as a soldier as he couldn’t bite a hard biscuit or chew meat, as his teeth were bad.
Unless a girl can chew her food well the good does not come out of it in her stomach to go to make blood, which is necessary for health. So whatever you do, try to keep your teeth sound and strong. There is no part of you that poisonous germs attack more readily than your teeth. Your teeth will rot away and will have to be pulled out. Attack those germs with a toothbrush and get the germs out of their hiding places between and behind the teeth. Rinse out with lots of water so the germs don’t burrow in and destroy those grinders.”
Timeless words eh?toothpaste,children,plaque,
If you use fluoride toothpaste then only use a tiny amount. For children, just put on a smear. Try diluting it with boiled water to make it go further. The plaque is removed from the teeth by the rubbing action with the brush, not the toothpaste .
If you can get fluoride free toothpaste from the health shop, then so much the better. Tell children not to swallow toothpaste.
There are homemade alternatives that can be put together easily. Here are a couple of suggestions to get your biscuit muncers all cleaned up and ready for action
Simple toothpaste: This can be made with bicarbonate of soda, vegetable glycerin and essential oil of peppermint, lemon or fennel. Mix 1 part liquid to 2 parts bicarb. Add a few drops of the oil and shake well. Only make a small amount and store it in a jar or small pump dispenser.
Simple mouthwash: Mix a couple of drops of peppermint oil or sage tincture in a cup of water. Rinse and spit!
Raw carrots after a meal (or at any time are great for teeth. Having carrot sticks in a cup of water on the kitchen table for a healthy (and sweet) snack for children is useful. Visiting friends are often surprised when their kids eat them.
Never brush your teeth after eating an apple as you are rubbing acid into your teeth, which strips the enamel. Its best to rinse your mouth with water after eating apples. Nuts or cheese wouldn’t be a bad supper for after the teeth have been brushed, but its better to brush your teeth last thing at night and after breakfast in the morning.
Before I go I would like to finish off with a poem. This again was from my Brownie Handbook.
Daily Health Rules
Only feed on wholesome fare;
Through your nostrils breathe fresh air;
Clean yourself inside and out;
Twist and bend and run about.
Please keep all household products well away from children.
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